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What is Geekly Lab?

GeeklyLab is a web app that connects students to Geeks who can do any college-related task. The core of GeeklyLab is its unique scheduling and planning platform that helps students organize their college work. A unique algorithm matches student requests for help with a Geek who’s perfect for the task at hand.

How does Geekly Lab work for students?

The service is fully automated: no annoying messages, no chat pop-outs, no calls or emails. Everything is plain and simple. After adding basic details of her project on GeeklyLab homepage, the student arrives to her personal area (her account) where she can work on her project or request help from one of the Geeks. There always are some 100 of them online so it looks like any request will be done on time, be it paper editing or a history tutoring session.

Geeks are graduate students with a passion for teaching, professional educators, or simply learning enthusiasts who are “geekly” in one or several areas.

How much does it cost to use Geekly Lab?

The best part is that the student can benefit from all the software that GeeklyLab provides, all its planning tools, scheduling, text message reminders, and what not - absolutely for free!

However, when the student requests help from a Geek, she has to pay for it. The price for the request depends on urgency, length of the request, and the student’s field of study, or, for non-typical requests, availability of the item the student needs. Of course, it would be neat to have a pricing page but probably the range of services that GeeklyLab offers prevents them from placing a single price tag on everything they do.

Still, we here think we got excellent work for our money. We requested for one of the Geeks to completely edit and add ideas to one of our analytical reports, and we also wanted the Geek to check our calculations. We weren’t particularly in a rush, so the total summed up to $60. The best part - other companies always require 100% pre-payment. At GeeklyLab we only had to pre-pay 30% ($20.00) and paid the rest only when we were told our Geek was done.

How is it different from other services?

At any stage of our project delivery, our Geek was extremely helpful. We requested last-minute amendments to the graphs (minor thing, really) and he incorporated all our comments and suggestions to the final report. We were completely satisfied with the work we got.

We were also curious what happens if we don’t like the Geek’s work, or it does not meet our standards, in other words, whether it was possible to get our money back. It turned out, the project page in student’s personal account had this option: after you push a button, the page asks you to comment why you think you need your money back and after that a friendly account manager takes the lead. We found out that we would get our money back if our project wasn’t done according to the requirements. However, our account manager explained that this rarely happens: Geeks have to meet high internal standards of work so quality is rarely an issue.


Works as a planner that gets your college work done

An amazing combination of planning and self-organization tools with instant help availability.

Fully automated service

The moment you place your request to the moment you get the result of Geek’s work, you don’t have to deal with annoying calls, conversations, or even emails. Your account manager is readily available 24/7 but nobody bothers you until you want to be bothered ;)

Payment flexibility

Pre-pay only 30% and pay the rest when you’re sure your request is ready.

High quality standards

Needless to say, Geeks have to meet high quality standards to deliver excellent work.


Pricing page

Their website does not have a pricing page; however, once you fill your request data, you get the price immediately. They also explain how it is formed on their homepage.

Might take a while to find a Geek for “unusual” requests

If you need a tutor for your Marine Engineering class asap, they might take a while to find the right Geek for you.

In a nutshell, is a great service. We recommend it.

3 of 1778 Reviews
  • Mika Nguyen
    GeeklyLab is great! I can always count on Geek’s help when I’m overwhelmed with my Art School, martial arts classes, and college where I have to be a straight A student. GeeklyLab makes my life oh so much easier.
  • Lana Sanders
    Thank you, GeeklyLab, for letting me focus on my own small business project and avoiding the negative of too much work, studying, and helping my Mom out with my little brother. I’m so happy to have you guys always find the right Geek for me!
  • Antonio Scioscia
    I was sceptical to give GeeklyLab a try. First project I assigned to my Geek wasn’t perfect, he ordered the wrong edition of the book I needed for class. I was upset and then I realized I didn’t tell them which edition I wanted. We exchanged the book, and my second project with GeeklyLab was perfect.
4.95 of 5
based on 1778 reviews